Celebrating Culinary Excellence

Mexican Gastronomic Congress, 2024


Mexico is a country known for its vibrant culture and rich culinary heritage. The restaurants in Los Cabos are a testament to the region’s commitment to gastronomy.

Oficios Culinarios” is a prestigious event in the Mexican culinary industry that recognizes outstanding chefs and restaurants during its annual gathering. Grupo Culinaria Mexicana, as part of this grand event, presents 250 awards to responsible projects that provide food without causing harm to the environment and that benefit society.

To select the list of the 250 restaurants that will receive the Larousse de Cocina, an Editorial Board of Voters is formed by 60 people from the culinary industry, including editors of major publications, food photographers, entrepreneurs, and journalists.




Sunset Monalisa proudly joined the prestigious @los250mx 2024. The event was attended by Héctor Morales, Executive Chef, and Giuseppe Napoli, CEO of Grupo Monalisa, who participated in this special night dedicated to Mexican gastronomy. The 10-year celebration, expertly organized by @sanpellegrino_mx and @nespresso.mx, occurred at the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana and was presented by the highly acclaimed @audidemexico.

The authoritative @laroussecocinamx published the guide that accompanied the event.

Guía México Gastronómico Culinaria Mexicana Awards is a platform to honor the unwavering passion, remarkable creativity, and tireless dedication of those who propel the ever-evolving Mexican cuisine forward.

As we celebrate the individuals featured in the 2024 annual publication, we recognize their achievements in the culinary industry. Their accomplishments inspire aspiring chefs and food enthusiasts to continuously push the boundaries and explore the endless possibilities of Mexico’s rich and diverse cuisine.


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